Where did Biltong come from?

Biltong is a popular snack in South Africa and other parts of the world, but where did it come from?

Biltong has a long and interesting history dating back to the early 17th century. It is believed to have originated with the indigenous people of South Africa, who used it as a way to preserve meat during long hunting trips. The meat was cut into thin strips and dried in the sun or over a fire, allowing it to last for several weeks without spoiling.

As European settlers arrived in South Africa, they learned about biltong and began to make it themselves. It became particularly popular among farmers, who used it as a portable source of protein while working in the fields.

Biltong became even more widespread when South African soldiers serving in World War I were introduced to it by their commanders, who had learned about the snack from local farmers. The soldiers brought biltong back with them after the war, and it soon became a popular snack throughout the country.

Today, biltong is enjoyed all over the world as a tasty and convenient snack. It is made from a variety of meats, including beef, venison, and even ostrich, and can be flavored with a variety of spices. Whether you're a fan of traditional biltong made from beef and dried in the sun, or a more modern version made with exotic meats and flavors, there's a biltong out there for everyone.

So the next time you enjoy a delicious piece of biltong, take a moment to appreciate its rich history and the many cultures that have contributed to its popularity over the years.

1 comment

  • Kevin Anderson

    My son gave me some of the chili bites Biltong – as a South African living in USA – best I’ve had to date – thank you

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